Source code for mongodbshell

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Author :

Follow me on twitter like `@jdrumgoole <>`_. for
updates on this package.

`MongoDBShell <>`_ is a module that
provides more natural interaction with MongoDB via the Python shell.
Install using `pip3` (`MongoDBShell` only supports Python 3).

``$pip3 install mongodbshell``

To use::

    >>> import mongodbshell
    >>> client = mongodbshell.MongoDB()
    >>> client.collection="test.test"
    >>> client
    mongodbshell.MongoDB('test', 'test', 'mongodb://localhost:27017')
    >>> client.insert_one({"msg" : "MongoDBShell is great"})
    >>> client.find_one()
    1    {'_id': ObjectId('5cb30cfa72a4ae3b105afa1c'), 'msg': 'MongoDBShell is great'}
    >>> client.line_numbers = 0
    >>> client.find_one()
    {'_id': ObjectId('5cb30cfa72a4ae3b105afa1c'), 'msg': 'MongoDBShell is great'}
    >>> # note the line number is no longer present
    >>> client.output_file="output.txt" # send all output to this file
    >>> client.find_one()
    Output is also going to 'output.txt'
    {'_id': ObjectId('5cb30cfa72a4ae3b105afa1c'), 'msg': 'MongoDBShell is great'}
    >>> print(open("output.txt").read(), end="")
    {'_id': ObjectId('5cb30cfa72a4ae3b105afa1c'), 'msg': 'MongoDBShell is great'}

This will give you a prebuilt :py:class:`~MongoDBShell.MongoDB` object.


import pymongo
import pprint
import shutil
import sys

[docs]class ShellError(ValueError): pass
if sys.platform == "Windows": db_name_excluded_chars = r'/\. "$*<>:|?' else: db_name_excluded_chars = r'/\. "$'
[docs]class MongoDBShellError(ValueError): pass
[docs]class MongoDB: """ Simple command line MongoDB proxy for use in the Python shell. """ def __init__(self, database_name="test", collection_name="test", host="mongodb://localhost:27017", *args, **kwargs): """ Creat a new client object with a default database and collection. :param database_name: The name of the database to be opened :param collection_name: The collection name to be opened :param mongodb_uri: A properly formatted MongoDB URI :param *args, *kwargs : Passed through to MongoClient >>> from mongodbshell import MongoDB >>> client = MongoDB() >>> client.database = "demo" >>> client.collection = "zipcodes" >>> client.collection = "demo.zipcodes" >>> client.collection = "db$.test" Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "/Users/jdrumgoole/GIT/mongodbshell/mongodbshell/", line 152, in collection else: mongodbshell.ShellError: 'db$' is not a valid database name >>> """ self._mongodb_uri = host self._client = pymongo.MongoClient(host=self._mongodb_uri, *args, **kwargs) self._database_name = database_name self._collection_name = collection_name self._database = self._client[self._database_name] self._set_collection(collection_name) # # self._collection = self._database[self._collection_name] self._output_filename = None self._output_file = None self._line_numbers = True self._pretty_print = True self._paginate = True self._overlap = 0
[docs] @staticmethod def valid_mongodb_name(name): """ Check that the name for a database has no illegal characters :param name: the name of the database :return: True if the name is valid """ for char in db_name_excluded_chars: if char in name: return None return name
@property def client(self): """ :return: the MongoDBClient object """ return self._client @property def uri(self): """ :return: The URI used to create the Proxy object """ return self._mongodb_uri @property def database(self): """ Assign to this property to set the current default database. :return: Return the default database object associated with the Proxy """ return self._database @database.setter def database(self, database_name): """ Set the default database for this Proxy object. :param database_name: A string naming the database """ if database_name and MongoDB.valid_mongodb_name(database_name): self._database = self.client[database_name] else: raise ShellError(f"'{database_name}' is not a valid database name") @property def database_name(self): """ :return: The name of the default database """ return self._database_name def _set_collection(self, name): if "." in name: database_name, dot, collection_name = name.partition(".") if self.valid_mongodb_name(database_name): if self.valid_mongodb_name(collection_name): self._database = self._client[database_name] self._database_name = database_name self._collection = self._database[collection_name] self._collection_name = collection_name else: raise ShellError(f"'{collection_name}' is not a valid collection name") else: raise ShellError(f"'{database_name}' is not a valid database name") else: if self.valid_mongodb_name(name): self._collection = self._database[name] self._collection_name = name else: raise ShellError(f"'{name}' is not a valid collection name") @property def collection(self): """ Assign to `collection` to reset the current default collection. Return the default collection object associated with the `MongoDB` object. """ return self._collection @property def collection_name(self): """ :return: The name of the default collection """ return self._collection_name @collection.setter def collection(self, db_collection_name): """ Set the default collection for the database associated with the `MongoDB` object. The user can specify a database and a collection by using a dot notation <database_name.collection_name>. :param db_collection_name: the name of the database and collection """ self._set_collection(db_collection_name) # if "." in db_collection_name: # database_name, dot, collection_name = db_collection_name.partition(".") # if self.valid_database_name(database_name): # if self.valid_database_name(collection_name): # self._database = self._client[database_name] # self._collection = self._database[collection_name] # else: # raise ShellError(f"'{collection_name}' is not a valid collection name") # else: # raise ShellError(f"'{database_name}' is not a valid database name") # else: # if self.valid_database_name(db_collection_name): # self._collection = self._database[db_collection_name] # else: # raise ShellError(f"'{db_collection_name}' is not a valid collection name")
[docs] def is_master(self): """ Run the pymongo is_master command for the current server. :return: the is_master result doc. """ result = self.database.command("ismaster") pprint.pprint(result)
def _cursor_to_line(self, cursor): for i in cursor: yield from self.doc_to_lines(i)
[docs] def find(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run the pymongo find command against the default database and collection and paginate the output to the screen. """ # print(f"database.collection: '{}.{}'") self.print_cursor(self.collection.find(*args, **kwargs))
[docs] def find_one(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run the pymongo find_one command against the default database and collection and paginate the output to the screen. """ # print(f"database.collection: '{}.{}'") self.print_doc(self.collection.find_one(*args, **kwargs))
[docs] def insert_one(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run the pymongo insert_one command against the default database and collection and returne the inserted ID. """ # print(f"database.collection: '{}.{}'") result = self.collection.insert_one(*args, **kwargs) return result.inserted_id
[docs] def insert_many(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run the pymongo insert_many command against the default database and collection and return the list of inserted IDs. """ # print(f"database.collection: '{}.{}'") result = self.collection.insert_many(*args, **kwargs) return result.inserted_ids
[docs] def delete_one(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run the pymongo delete_one command against the default database and collection and return the deleted IDs. """ result = self.collection.delete_one(*args, **kwargs) return result.raw_result
[docs] def delete_many(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run the pymongo delete_many command against the default database and collection and return the deleted IDs. """ result = self.collection.delete_many(*args, **kwargs) return result.raw_result
[docs] def count_documents(self, filter={}, *args, **kwargs): """ Count all the documents in a collection accurately """ result = self.collection.count_documents(filter, *args, **kwargs) return result
[docs] def aggregate(self,pipeline, session=None, **kwargs): """ Run the aggregation pipeline """ self.print_cursor(self.collection.aggregate(pipeline, session, **kwargs))
[docs] def list_database_names(self): """ List all the databases on the default server. """ self.pager(self.client.list_database_names())
[docs] def dbstats(self): """ Run dbstats command for database See """ pprint.pprint(self.database.command("dbstats"))
[docs] def collstats(self, scale=1024, verbose=False): """ Run collection stats for collection. see :param scale: Scale at which to report sizes :param verbose: used for extended report on legacy MMAPV1 storage engine :return: JSON doc with stats """ self.print_doc(self.database.command( {"collStats": self._collection_name, "scale": scale, "verbose": verbose}))
# def __getattr__(self, item): # if hasattr(self._collection, item): # return getattr(self.collection, item) # else: # raise MongoDBShellError(f"No such item {item} in PyMongo collection object") def _get_collections(self, db_names=None): """ Internal function to return all the collections for every database. include a list of db_names to filter the list of collections. """ if db_names: db_list = db_names else: db_list = self.client.list_database_names() for db_name in db_list: db = self.client.get_database(db_name) for col_name in db.list_collection_names(): size = db[col_name].g yield f"{db_name}.{col_name}" def list_collection_names(self, database_name): self.pager(self._get_collections())
[docs] @staticmethod def confirm_yes(message): """ Return true if user confirms yes. A correct response is 'y' or 'Y'. All other chars will return false. :param message: A string :return: bool. """ response = input(f"{message}[ y/Y]:") response.upper() return response == "Y"
def drop_collection(self, confirm=True): if confirm and self.confirm_yes(f'Drop collection:{self._database_name}.{self._collection_name}'): return self._collection.drop() else: return self._collection.drop() def drop_database(self, confirm=True): if confirm and self.confirm_yes(f'Drop database:{self._database_name}'): return self._client.drop_database(self.database) else: return self._client.drop_database(self.database) @property def overlap(self): """ Get and set the line_numbers boolean :return: `line_numbers` (True|False) """ return self._overlap @overlap.setter def overlap(self, value): self._overlap = value @property def line_numbers(self): """ Get and set the line_numbers boolean :return: `line_numbers` (True|False) """ return self._line_numbers @line_numbers.setter def line_numbers(self, state): self._line_numbers = state @property def pretty_print(self): """ Get and set the pretty print boolean :return: `pretty_print` (True|False) """ return self._pretty_print @pretty_print.setter def pretty_print(self, state): self._pretty_print = state @property def paginate(self): return self._paginate @paginate.setter def paginate(self, state): """ :param state: True, turn on pagination :return: """ self._paginate = state @property def output_file(self): """ :return: The name of the output file """ return self._output_filename @output_file.setter def output_file(self, filename): """ :param filename: file to output `pager` output to. :return: """ if not filename or filename == "": self._output_filename = None self._output_file = None else: self._output_filename = filename
[docs] def paginate_doc(self, doc): """ :param doc: a dictionary of data :return: """
[docs] def pager(self, lines): """ Outputs lines to a terminal. It uses `shutil.get_terminal_size` to determine the height of the terminal. It expects an iterator that returns a line at a time and those lines should be terminated by a valid newline sequence. Behaviour is controlled by a number of external class properties. `paginate` : Is on by default and triggers pagination. Without `paginate` all output is written straight to the screen. `output_file` : By assigning a name to this property we can ensure that all output is sent to the corresponding file. Prompts are not output. `pretty_print` : If this is set (default is on) then all output is pretty printed with `pprint`. If it is off then the output is just written to the screen. `overlap` : The number of lines to overlap between one page and the next. :param lines: :return: paginated output """ try: line_count = 0 if self._output_filename: print(f"Output is also going to '{self.output_file}'") self._output_file = open(self._output_filename, "a+") terminal_columns, terminal_lines = shutil.get_terminal_size(fallback=(80, 24)) lines_left = terminal_lines for i, l in enumerate(lines, 1): line_residue = 0 if self.line_numbers: output_line = f"{i:<4} {l}" else: output_line = l line_overflow = int(len(output_line) / terminal_columns) if line_overflow: line_residue = len(output_line) % terminal_columns if line_overflow >= 1: lines_left = lines_left - line_overflow else: lines_left = lines_left - 1 if line_residue > 1: lines_left = lines_left - 1 # line_count = line_count + 1 print(output_line) if self._output_file: self._output_file.write(f"{l}\n") self._output_file.flush() #print(lines_left) if (lines_left - self.overlap - 1) <= 0: # -1 to leave room for prompt if self.paginate: print("Hit Return to continue (q or quit to exit)", end="") user_input = input() if user_input.lower().strip() in ["q", "quit", "exit"]: break terminal_columns, terminal_lines = shutil.get_terminal_size(fallback=(80, 24)) lines_left = terminal_lines # end for if self._output_file: self._output_file.close() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("ctrl-C...") if self._output_file: self._output_file.close()
[docs] def doc_to_lines(self, doc, format_func=None): """ Generator that converts a doc to a sequence of lines. :param doc: A dictionary :param format_func: customisable formatter defaults to pformat :return: a generator yielding a line at a time """ if format_func: for l in format_func(doc).splitlines(): yield l elif self.pretty_print: for l in pprint.pformat(doc).splitlines(): yield l else: for l in str(doc).splitlines(): yield l
[docs] def cursor_to_lines(self, cursor, format_func=None): """ Take a cursor that returns a list of docs and returns a generator yield each line of each doc a line at a time. :param cursor: A mongod cursor yielding docs (dictonaries) :param format_func: A customisable format function :return: a generator yielding a line at a time """ for doc in cursor: yield from self.doc_to_lines(doc, format_func)
def print_cursor(self, cursor, format_func=None): return self.pager(self.cursor_to_lines(cursor, format_func)) def print_doc(self, doc, format_func=None): return self.pager(self.doc_to_lines(doc, format_func)) def __str__(self): return f"client : '{self.uri}'\n" +\ f"db : '{}'\n" +\ f"collection : '{}'" def __repr__(self): return f"mongodbshell.MongoDB('{}', '{}', '{self.uri}')"
client = MongoDB()